Tuesday 30 September 2014

PLAGIARISM, what is it?

Maybe the terms of plagiarism are not very familiar to school student but it is very familiar with the university student. The simplest word to describe the meaning of plagiarism is an act of copying another person idea or work and pretends that they are yours, (Oxford).  Before this we never know or realize that we have been doing this plagiarism since in standard school. We often copy others work and make it our work. For example when we are doing the portfolios we are always find and copy the resource without write the citation of the resources in our portfolio. This is can be said to be an illegal act.
There are many type of plagiarism. For example total copying, major copying, substituting words and etc. These are the common type of plagiarism that we always use when we were in school. This is because the student is only expose about the plagiarism when we are in the university. In university, we have many assignment and project paper that we need to do on our own and the student who are being found plagiarize he or she definitely be punished from the university organization for example getting the lower grade, have to repeat the paper or the most worse is being expel from the university. This is depend on the level of plagiarism that the student do. If it is totally copy others work so it can be categorize as a serious plagiarism.

In conclusion, there are many ways that we can do to avoid plagiarism. For example, plan the project well, consult with your lecturer , find the idea or brainstorm and etc. As a university students, it is important to us to avoid the plagiarism because it can give effect to our result and study if we get caught of plagiarize. So keep calm and don’t plagiarize……J

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