Saturday 11 October 2014

sourcing material

hye guys...!

if before this we talked about the for the second topic that i wanna share with you guys is about  SOURCING MATERIALS..
i guess that many of us did not know how to find the right source for your work or to gain your knowledge trough social media especially in the internet..we think that all the information in the internet is true..but its actually no..
there are many sources that we can get in the internet..and we just believe it without check with other sources..its because, people can edit the information in the internet..

so in this blog i'll share with you guys on how or tips to find the right sources for you..

*firstly looking  for the URL , where was the information found? such as journal, article and etc.

*secondly check the author is the person have qualification or specialist like professor, Dr and etc.

*next is find the date. It is because there are some information outdated and maybe there are new information for that topic. For example about technology, it will updated from time to time.

*lastly look the references.Usually the reference will link the information to the original sources.So that we can double check the information.

I hope that with this a few tips you guys can get some knowledge on how to find the right source in the internet! good luck guys...